E3 2017: Announcing Monster Hunter: World, releasing globally early 2018
Jun 13, 2017 // Yuri Araujo
Introducing a brand new entry in the beloved co-op action RPG series, Monster Hunter: World, coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One early 2018!
It was roughly 13 years ago when I first saw a game I would fall in love with. The idea of venturing into the wilderness to battle menacing monsters with my friends while wielding massive weapons was the perfect combination of all I ever wanted out of a video game. I’ve been hooked for years and have hunted many monsters in this addictive series, constantly marveling at what the development team comes up with in each new game. Now with Monster Hunter: World, there will be a fully functioning ecosystem that I can’t wait to dive into.
As illustrated in the Announcement Trailer above, this latest entry brings hunters around the globe to a brand new world built from the ground up with stunning visuals to support completely new ways to hunt monsters. Our development team in Japan has created a living, breathing ecosystem of interactive flora and fauna. This ecosystem plays a key role in every hunt, allowing you to use natural environmental traps and even the hierarchy of the food chain itself as part of your strategy in battle. Leading your target to its natural predator is fantastic way to get the upper hand, if you can avoid getting yourself into more trouble.
Also for the first time in the series, Monster Hunter: World will see a global simultaneous launch window, along with a unified cross-region online multiplayer server! So now you can start planning hunts with your friends, no matter where they live.
Monster Hunter: World will be launching worldwide early 2018 on PS4 and XB1, with a PC version coming at a later date. We can’t wait to show you more of this beautiful world, and I’m sure you can’t wait to see more, so join me, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and directors Kaname Fujioka and Yuya Tokuda for a live chat about this new project straight from E3 on Thursday June 15, at 12:30pm at twitch.tv/capcomunity. See you there!
UPDATE: We’ve just released all-new uncut gameplay footage, featuring a full Quest. Watch it here.