Dustforce OUT NOW on PS Vita and PS3
Feb 04, 2014 // Chris
Playstation Plus subscribers have a couple of ways to save money and earn PSN credit with Vita
Today’s the day, clean freaks! Dustforce has finally arrived to consoles, starting with PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, with full on cross-play and cross-save functionality. Looky at this launch trailer and get hype!
Dustforce – PS3 | PS VITA ($7.99 for PS Plus subscibers for a limited time!)
Dustforce Demo – PS3 | PS Vita
Go and grab it now – IT’S ONLY $9.99! Actually, if you’re a PS Plus subscriber on this side of the ocean (US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, probably even Wyoming) you can save 20% just by picking the game this week. Better still, if you purchased/plan to purchase OlliOlli, Dragonball Z: Battle of Z and/or TxK, you can earn additional cash credit with the PS Vita PLAY program from now through February 17th. Click here for more details.
Dustforce is a wonderful little thing indeed, and I think Capcom fans’ll certainly dig its charming brand of oldschool thrills, acrobatic precision, and the fantastic chiptunes soundtrack . Watch our “What is Dustforce?!” video below to get a better understanding of why the world fell in love with this indie darling on PC, then click on over to our Dustforce character guide once you’ve taken the game for a whirl. Seriously, you might need the insight once you get to the more difficult stages later in the game and the three packs of FREE DLC coming to the game . More info on all that very soon, so keep it tuned to Capcom Unity for more info.