Dungeons and Dragons – Enemy Showcase
May 01, 2013 // GregaMan
We draw ever closer to the release of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, a feature-rich remastering of two arcade beat-‘em-up classics, Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom and Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara. Previously, we looked at the games’ exceptional combat. If you missed that blog, you can check it out here .
Today I think we’ll have a look at some of the enormous and challenging boss enemies you may encounter on your journey. But remember—with lots of branching paths, each play experience varies quite a bit. Hit the jump for more!
Lich – This undead Magic User will be summoned to hinder your progress. And hinder he well may, since he can paralyze you, electrocute you, and strike you with flaming meteors from outer space, among other things. Better be on your toes for this guy.
Beholder – The eyes have it with this dark fantasy darling. Found guarding a vast mountain, the Beholder wields an impressive host of magic spells like Petrify, Sleep, and Reverse Gravity, and can silence your magic with his gaping center eye. Incidentally he’s also never lost a staring contest to date.
Dark Warrior – This bruiser-type enemy will electro-spam you with lightning magic while his skeleton minions distract your focus. Try to knock him down and keep him on the ground with down attacks and oil flasks. The almighty Cleric can use Turn Undead to get rid of those pesky skeletons in a flash.
Flame Salamander – ‘Tisn’t weak to fire! A run-in with this trident-wielding beast will be your reward for braving the Land of Fire. Anything snowy, frosty, or icy in your inventory or spell repertoire should help immensely. Use as many ranged attacks as possible and long melee weapons if you’ve got ‘em to avoid his fiery “tail” sweep. If you work him into a corner, you might even be able to stick him in a stun loop.
Black Dragon – This enormous dragon occupies the swamp and attacks from the air with acid breath and quick jabs. If you’ve got hammers or spells with some verticality, now’s the time to use them, as the dragon can otherwise be a pain to reach.
Displacer Beast – This panther-like terror comes with a phantom partner. Protip: Attack the one with the shadow. If you’ve got a shield, block and wait for openings. Use ranged weapons to stay out of the reach of those dangerous tails. If you’ve got some fire, you can ignite the beast for a few laughs, and to get a combat advantage.
Troll Leader – I know, you’re thinking “Troll leader? I thought that was so-and-so from the Ask Capcom board!” Well, you’re not wrong, but you’re crossing universes here. The D&D Troll Leader will grab and bite you horribly, but is far from the toughest boss you will face. Toss Oil and use Fire Ball spells to do good damage and get him scared. Be aware that you must burn it after KO’ing or he just keeps coming back to annoy you—just like a troll.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara releases digitally this June on Xbox Live, PSN, Wii U e-Shop, and PC for $14.99.