DuckTales: Remastered Xbox 360 Leaderboard Showdown
Sep 12, 2013 // Chris
The toughest of the toughies on XBLA could win a coveted DuckTales: Remastered promo kit
Perhaps you saw the quacktastic DuckTales Remastered Promo Kits we were giving away?! Keyword “were” because today is the final day in our one-a-day DuckTales Promo Kit giveaway. Soooo… how are we giving this one out? Well, we know a lot of you wanted to win one of these, but felt you lacked artistic talent. Well, one thing I’ll say is that the only people guaranteed to win are those who try, but beyond that, we’ve got another way to score one of these.
Can’t draw ? Don’t Sing ? I bet you can PLAY! I have to imagine those of you who really want this prize the most are more than a little familiar with the game. We’re giving Xbox 360 players one last chance to win the coveted lunchbox and golden cartridge simply by showing off your MAD SKILLZ !
Simply befriend Capcom Unity on Xbox Live, user name “ Minish Capcom ” and then PLAY THE DUCK out of DuckTales: Remastered. You have until Monday, 11am PST at which point we’ll check our Leaderboards, filter by friends, and award the player with the most in-game loot the anxiously desired DuckTales: Remastered promo kit.
Oh, and just a reminder, while our prize-a-day giveaway thing may be over, that doesn’t mean we’re out of goodies to randomly bestow to those willing to belt out a familiar tune on the DuckTales Sing Along site . We’ve got games, signed posters, and who knows, maybe even a little lunchbox or two tucked away. See more DuckTales: Remastered fandom and news here .