DuckTales: Remastered is now LIVE on Steam with Trading Cards
Aug 13, 2013 // Chris
The sun rose this morning to reveal DuckTales for PC with Steam Trading Cards in tow!
As if the return of one of 8-bit gaming’s most treasured titles wasn’t exciting enough news, the inclusion of Steam Trading Cards has given PC gamers yet another reason to yell “ WOO-HOO! ” from their cubicles today.
C lick here to see all of DuckTales: Remastered’s Steam Trading Cards
If you’re new to the whole Steam Trading Card thing , they’re like tradable achievements you can unlock simply by playing DuckTales: Remastered. Some cards are rarer than others, and certain cards you’ll have to trade for via the Steam Community, but once obtained can then be crafted into custom badges for your profile. This is splendid news, plus it’s hard to argue that the quest for cards gels perfectly with Scrooge McDuck’s never-ending pursuit of treasure at any cost . So go and grab DuckTales: Remastered now and get started on your Trading Card adventure.