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Draw, Amaze, Win: Okamiden Goblin Face Facebook Contest

Nov 12, 2010 // vabor

The Goblin Face Facebook contest officially has started and there are some amazing masks being drawn. Read on to see a few of the outstanding entries and learn more about this contest.

Mask by Juan Rubio

Be sure to check out the Replay feature on each submission to watch how some of these awesome masks were drawn. You can WIN BIG on this one. So Like the page and submit your mask .  More entries, some prizes and details are:


Okamiden Goblin Face Facebook Contest

Submisison Deadline:
Jan 3, 2011 at 3pm PST

Grand Prize:
Nintendo 3DS system, Okamiden DS game, 3 Okami Sun t-shirt, Okamiden DS Brush Stylus and Screen Cleaner, Okamiden Key Chain Plush, Chibiterasu 14” plush (to be revealed later), Chibiterasu Pillow plush (to be revealed later).

1st Runner up:
Nintendo DSi XL, Okamiden DS game, 3 Okami Sun t-shirt , Okamiden DS Brush Stylus and Screen Cleaner , Okamiden Key Chain Plush, Chibiterasu 14” plush (to be revealed later), Chibiterasu Pillow plush (to be revealed later).

2nd Runner up:
Okamiden DS game, 3 Okami Sun t-shirt, Okamiden DS Brush Stylus and Screen Cleaner, Okamiden Key Chain Plush


Chibi Mask by Chris Jackson


Our contest started around Halloween sooooo…..

Mask by Bryan James


Some Capcom themed masks:

  Mega Mask by Dylan Oberling

Viewtiful Mask by Electro Nik Gaydon


Please continue to amaze us (click for a Akuma replay). You’ve been awesome so far. Win big and get your drawing skills on with the Official Goblin Face Okamiden app ! Be sure to Like the page when you visit.