Dragon’s Dogma Stream Imminent. Director On Board
Feb 12, 2012 // GregaMan
::Edit:: Stream over! That was amazing. You can pilot harpies. Anyway, if you missed the live stream, you can still watch the recorded version after the jump.
The time is nigh to enjoy some Dragon’s Dogma with a very special guest, Director Hideaki Itsuno. Stream starts at 11am PT. We’ll be showing off the character customization system, the pawn creation system, and the all-new screenshot-sharing feature. Of course, it wouldn’t be an Itsuno title without heaps of crazy action, so you can expect all that good stuff as well.
Be sure to get into the live chat after the jump and bring us your best Dragon’s Dogma questions and comments. I’ll do my best to pick out the good ones =D