Dragon’s Dogma Playable Demo Coming Next Week
Apr 16, 2012 // GregaMan
Well, another Monday is upon us. Let’s start the week with an exciting announcement.
The long-anticipated Dragon’s Dogma playable demo will be available for download off PSN and Xbox Live MarketPlace from Tuesday, April 24th in North America, Wednesday, April 25th in Europe. Just to be clear, that’s next week. Yay!
The demo will let you try out the sword-and-shield Fighter class, making your way through underground tunnels in a Prologue quest that takes place before the events of the main game and culminates in an epic battle with a Chimera. You’ll also be able to try out the well-rounded Strider class, battling against the airborne Griffin in the open fields of Gransys.
On top of that, you’ll be able to try out the character customization system to create your own player character and Main Pawn. You’ll even be able to import that character data into the full game once it’s available on May 22nd (NA) and May 25th (EU).
One week to get hyped, guys! To help, I definitely recommend checking out our past livestreams of the game.
Stream 1 feat. Director Itsuno
Stream 2 feat. Producer Kobayashi and Designer Kinoshita
Stream 3 @ PAX East feat. Mystic Knight
Stream 4 @ PAX East feat. Magick Archer (Dogma starts around the 1hr mark)
If you’ve done that, why not hop on over to the Dragon’s Dogma Facebook page and take the map tour or mess around with the Pawn Revolution FB app?