Dragon’s Dogma Pawn Pageant – Announcing our winners
Apr 03, 2013 // GregaMan
Here they are, Dogma fans: the winners of our Dragon’s Dogma Pawn Pageant . This contest pitted Unity members and @DragonsDogma Twitter followers alike in a fierce battle of screenshots, spanning four categories: Most Badass, Weirdest, Best Team Coordination, and Best Lookalike. Winners, runner-ups, and honorable mentions were selected by a crack squad of Capcom employees, after much negotiation and more than a few tears. Check out all results after the jump.
Most Badass
This was our most competitive category. Seems everybody thinks their Pawn or Arisen is the badassest one out there. Turns out one of you was right! Heh, just kidding. Everybody knows these things are wholly subjective. Anyway, here are our favorites.
1st Prize: Green Skadi
A wicked, powerful, and dangerous-looking Pawn well presented with expert photographic staging. Bravo!
Runner-Up: Berserker MadDog
What a great action shot! And look how little armor he’s got on. Am I nuts, or does he look a little like Bionic Commando’s Spencer?
Honorable Mentions:
Best Lookalike
This was another very competitive category, and probably the most difficult for our judges to reach a concensus upon, since we all wanted to vote for Pawns that looked like our personal favorite characters. Ultimately, though, we were won over by pure craftsmanship.
1st Prize: Rowde
Man! That is a spot-on likeness! Perhaps not a familiar face to most, but you’ve got to admire the attention to detail displayed here. I can only imagine how eerie this must be for anyone who knows Rowde and has rented his Pawn.
Runner-Up: Rumaldo
It may not be clear at first who these creations are supposed to look alike, but with the follow-up visual aid, you’ve got to. . . marvel . . . at the ingenuity. Unique execution of a brilliant creative Stark spark. Also: “Its kind hates proton and shoulder cannons both!” Gahaha.
Honorable Mentions:
Best Team Coordination
We saw quite a bit of variety in how people interpreted this category, which to me is the sign of a good category. Great submissions all around!
1st Prize: Kelly
Described by Kelly as a Yin and Yang concept – a Holy Pawn alongside the Dark Arisen. Great play on the title of the upcoming expansion, and these designs are both just excellent, coordinated or on their own.
Runner-Up: Aaron
Cool designs that match perfectly. I almost get a Green Hornet/Kato sorta vibe from these guys.
Eh? Eh?
Honorable Mentions:
This category contained our fewest submissions, making our jobs easier. Feast your eyes on the horrid results.
1st Prize: Yuffie
Wow, Yuffie, that thing is most definitely going to appear in my nightmares for the next few years. Well played. Let’s move on.
Runner-Up: Kevidabu
I am admittedly a bit jealous about the pink beard.
Honorable Mention: Bobby19877
And there ya have it! Congrats to all winners–you will receive a PM from me in the near future. Everyone else gets badges!
Just twenty more days until Dark Arisen~!