Dragon’s Dogma Contest: Help us name game characters
May 18, 2011 // Snow
I was pleasantly surprised with a recent request from the Producer on Dragon’s Dogma. He wants your help for Dragon’s Dogma! Here’s his request:
“Hi everyone, this is Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Producer on Dragon’s Dogma. This is my first time posting on the blog, and I have a special request for you! The Pawns, your allies in the game, need names. I’d like to ask you to help come up with the hundreds of names we’ll be using in the game. We’re looking for three different categories of names:
Modern name (e.g. Michael, Mike, Ben, etc.)
Dragon’s Dogma world reflected name (e.g. Adaro, Aelinore, etc.)
Pet names (e.g. Coco, Pooch, etc.)
Please, think hard about it and submit your best names to us. If they’re good, we’ll use them in Dragon’s Dogma!”
The Dragon’s Dogma team is looking for 300 names from you Capcom-Unity members! Want to help them out? Read on for what you need to do.
There is a 16 character limit but you can have both first and second names if you can fit them in (the space between counts as a character of course). Send your creative names to me (Snow) via a private message on here Capcom-Unity. The subject line should be DRAGON’S DOGMA NAME ENTRY. The contest starts now, and ends at 11:59pm PST on May 29th. We’ll announce the winners during Comic Con this summer!
Aside from getting your names in the game if you win, I should also mention we’ll be giving winners a “Dragon’s Dogma Developer” badge here on Capcom-Unity to show off.
Click here for the full and official rules for the GET YOUR NAME IN DRAGON’S DOGMA CONTEST
If you live in Europe please click here, you are still eligible.