Dragon’s Dogma Character Week Round-Up
Mar 16, 2012 // GregaMan
Over on the Dragon’s Dogma Facebook page , we’ve been rolling out details and videos for a variety of key characters in the game. If you missed out, make sure to check out the Facebook page and give that Like button a click!
In the meantime, I’ll make your life a bit easier with this handy-dandy character round-up. Hit the jump for character details and links to each video. [Warning: Quite voluminous]
Adaro – At first glance, you would not guess that this small and wiry old man could be any threat. Yet get to know him and you will see why his ‘never give up’ defiant attitude transformed him from humble fisherman to leading the charge against every village threat. His fighting abilities were unmatched as, weapon in hand, he boldly led the fighters of Cassardis against the gargantuan monstrosities that attacked the village. He openly shared his wealth of fishing and fighting skills. The village of Cassardis became not only prosperous, but also independent and completely self-sufficient in an attack. Thus, when the Village Chief passed away, there was no question that the new Village Chief would be Adaro.
Quina – Upon her parents’ passing and alone in the world, Quina grew into a beautiful young woman and she focused on learning the basics of healing magicks. The people of Cassardis, making their living on the sea, often suffered injuries both large and small. Quina healed the injured fishermen free of charge, sometimes staying by their bedsides to nurse them back to health. This role made Quina a vital part of the village and many came to praise her for her kindness and mercy, and for acquiring such healing powers all for the sake of the village. However, her true motivation in acquiring these valuable skills was to be able to heal the one person she cares most for: You.
Mercedes – Grende Hearthstone used to lead a company of knights. Of his two sons and his daughter, Mercedes, the brothers also led their own companies of knights. But Grende’s hopes for his daughter ran more towards wedding her to an influential noble or a royal from a neighboring demesne to firm up the power base of the House of Marten. But once she reached marrying age, Mercedes instead asked for her own company of knights. Aware of her own inexperience and that lack of skills required to lead others, she trained until she was reasonably able as a knight. It was around this time that the dragon appeared in Gransys. If someone from Grende’s nation defeated the dragon, it would greatly increase the power of Hearthstone. Grende was not reckless enough to send either of his brave and strong sons. However, he had to send someone of suitable position—someone as closely related to him as possible—or Gransys might take offense. For the first time in years, Grende called Mercedes forth to speak with her.
He hardly wanted his sons to head to the front lines of the battle with the dragon, for to face a dragon was certain death. Mercedes, however, was of suitable position to be Hearthstone’s representative. In addition, the people of Gransys would surely never allow a woman to stand on the front lines. Unaware of this, Mercedes was happy to receive the orders from her father and set off for Gransys thinking that he had finally given her his approval, not understanding his true reasons…
The Fool – In northern Gransys there is a small hillock called Hillfigure Knoll. The name naturally arose from the great carving of a human figure that adorns the hillside. None of those living nearby have any idea who created the figure. It had been there as long as anyone had been aware. It was assumed by the people to be the ancient remnant of some sort of forgotten culture, and the scholars who studied the site reached similar conclusions.
At some point, a man also appeared on Hillfigure Knoll, sitting on a rock on the hillside, staring off at nothing. Passersby tried to talk to him, but all the man did was to speak gibberish. People heard the rumors of this and came purposefully just to see him. As they had heard, there he sat on his rock, staring at nothing. When asked what he was doing there, he did not disappoint and the words he rattled off were completely incomprehensible. Day after day, the man sat on Hillfigure Knoll. He never did a thing other than stare out into the distance and ramble on if anyone spoke to him. At some point, he began to be known as “the Fool.” It started when someone suggested that he must have lost his mind after suffering a dragon attack because one of the few words the Fool still repeated was “dragon”. Once he had been written off as a senseless fool, though, no one ever gave him any deeper thought nor questioned the reason behind his presence. Yet the Fool is still there, alone, sitting on Hillfigure Knoll. He can always be found by those who take the time to look, almost as if he is waiting there for someone—and indeed he is.
Feste the Jester – Feste was born in a small farming village in Meloire, to a large family who worked the fields without rest. It was in no way an easy life. Because a male child could succeed the family name and would be a great aid to the farm once grown, Feste’s arrival was joyous and everyone showered love upon him. He was well cared for and even spoiled. However, after a number of years it became apparent that Feste was not a normal boy: he never appeared to grow any older. The family had no money for a doctor, so could only hope that his growth was simply slower than that of other people, but years later, Feste’s body remained that of a child. He could never help in the fields if he did not get any bigger, yet still had to be fed as much as anyone else. Additionally, being spoiled had made Feste a proud and arrogant boy. He threw tantrums if he did not get his meals on time, but made no effort to do any work himself. His birth now seemed a curse. One night, when their son was asleep, they looked down upon his childlike face and pressed a rag soaked in sedatives to it. Tears unchecked, they gave their son to the slave trader.
Feste was sold next to a troupe of players. Looking like a child, Feste was forced to become a jester, learning all sorts of tricks and skills as required. Amid these trials, Feste’s only wish was to gain an easy life and, relatively soon, he did exactly that. The answer he found was to gain the protection of one with power. He toadied up to the troupe leader and when performing, played his part for the nobles. He explained just how small and worthless a person he was, and praised the nobles for being so strong, so wonderful… Their egos salved, these powerful men and women took a liking to Feste and extended him their protection.
As one of the most popular performers, a request came from Duke Edmun of Gransys, asking for talented performers serve him in the castle. Feste wanted this more than anyone else. Feste’s ultimate desire was to gain the protection of those with true strength, get close to them, and live a life of comfort and ease. The duke had awesome power, making him the perfect target for this scheme. The troupe leader was afraid of earning Edmun’s wrath by sending less than their best performer, so Feste therefore began his days as the castle jester. However, this was still not enough to satisfy Feste. Once he learned of the factions within Edmun’s government that did not entirely agree with the duke’s rule, Feste quickly sidled up to the anti-Edmun elements and began to work informing those nobles of Edmun’s movements. When he heard of the increased activity of the organization Salvation, he next made contact with them and became their spy inside of Edmun’s territory. This indeed seems a rather lot of effort, more than was needed to survive, but it is all for Feste’s dream of an easy life. Thus he plies his wiles on all with power and uses them to his advantage, never once trusting another soul. Making use of everyone he can, and looking down on them all as he does, the jester Feste is a natural born trickster if ever there was one.
Elysion – It took the dragon only seconds to wipe entire nations from the map of the world. One of the nations which the dragon had utterly destroyed had been large and powerful, enough so that if not for the dragon’s attacks it may well have come out the victor of the Endless Strife. But it was not a tragedy without survivors and among those few who lived through the horrors of that attack was the son of the king, the prince of this lost country. One of his eyes, wounded in his flight from the dragon’s attack, began to fester and, before long, the pestilence would claim his life. He took his rage and regret and transmitted them to the page via ink and quill. As the racking fever and pain gripped his body, he came to one conclusion: humans deserved to be destroyed. The world and its people clearly needed to be purged by the dragon’s claws in order to be reborn anew. He titled his writings “The Testament of Hopeless Regret” . The existence of this text eventually led to the creation a continent-wide secret society named Salvation. The Testament came to be blazoned always with the mark of a single eye: the Remaining Eye. This is most likely why Salvation favors the use of the cyclops, which they call “the beasts that beckon the destruction.”
Then, many years later, one young man performed an unheard act: before a large gathering of his Salvation brethren, he tore out his own right eye. Where he came from or what brought him to the doors of Salvation is unknown. What is known is that he believed that in giving up his eye, he remade himself in the image of Salvation’s creator and impressed upon his brethren that this was the man who could lead their cause to success. Just as he had desired, the young man quickly rose through the ranks and eventually became their Great Leader, the one who guided them, and was given the name Elysion to refer to the paradise that they expect to follow death. To be named after this idea illustrated the organization’s faith in the Elysion—that he would bring about such a paradise for all. The significant expectations placed upon him by the organization were again demonstrated when he, the Great Leader, was sent in person to Gransys after the dragon appeared. There are even whispers among the other members of Salvation that Great Leader Elysion is in fact a descendent of the prince who originally penned The Testament of Hopeless Regret and that this heritage is why the organization places so much faith in him…
Aelinore – The House of Biquard can trace their family line back to a cousin of Godking Leonart, the great man who, ages ago, defeated the dragon and united the entire continent. Lord Biquard currently governs the lands around Meloire as mesne lord.
The reason that Meloire has been spared from the many conflicts of the age and never invaded by other kingdoms or demesnes is due largely to the existence of the House of Biquard. Sharing the same bloodline as the military-genius Leonart, those from the House of Biquard are blessed with a similar gift and Meloirean soldiers are widely known as excellent fighters.
Though their military might is great, however, the mesne lords of the House of Biquard have never shown much interest in expanding their demesne. It is as a result of these fortuitous characteristics that Meloire has never invited aggression but also never made its neighbors feel threatened.
Meloire has therefore been ruled in peace for many years and an unwritten rule hangs over its allies: by entering into relations with the House of Biquard you vow not to invade or allow invasion of their demesne.
This reputation of strength and stability was the reason why the duke of Gransys sought a wife from the House of Biquard. The “Wyrmking” Edmun was a hero who had defeated a dragon of his own. It was only natural for him to pursue a descendant of one who was his equal in great deeds, the Godking Leonart.
As the current lord of Meloire had no daughters, this honor fell to his niece, Aelinore. She was beautiful but immature, and there were many who had feared she would have difficulty finding a husband. Being able to use her lineage to marry her off to the hero Edmun Dragonsbane—he himself eager to gain the status such a union would bring—was a source of great satisfaction in the House of Biquard.
And so Aelinore was sent to be Edmun’s bride, though not of her own desire. She had not even seen the face of her future husband prior to the day of their wedding ceremony. Yet this was her fate as a woman born into the House of Biquard. Even Aelinore, still naïve in so many ways, understood that much.
The marriage of the hero Edmun was heartily welcomed by the people of Gransys. Everyone believed that it meant the birth of a successor would follow quickly after, carrying on their hero’s bloodline.
The faces of the people, overflowing with happiness, did bring Aelinore some small joy. Though she had not wanted this marriage for herself, she could comfort herself that she was fulfilling the duty of one born into a noble house by bringing cheer to so many people.
But there would be no reports of an impending heir to hearten the people of Gransys. Even after the exchange of their marriage vows, Aelinore remained as pure and untouched as she was the day that she was delivered to Edmun.
Perhaps the reason for the duke’s frigidity is a dark secret, lurking within his heart…
Edmund – Originally just another soldier, one day Edmun awoke as an Arisen. Perhaps it was coincidence, perhaps fate, but just days later, a dragon attacked Gransys. Fulfilling his role as an Arisen, Edmun enlisted a number of pawns and set out to face the dragon. The epic battle that followed would be celebrated in song for generations to come, for unlike so many before him, Edmun triumphed over the wyrm. Slaying an evil dragon—in all of recorded history, there was only one other who had achieved this miraculous feat: the great unifier, Godking Leonart. Yet now, Edmun too had defeated a dragon. With everyone singing his praises, plus the support of the noble Gildas who had long been his ally, Edmun was propelled into the heart of government on an overwhelming wave of support.
A number of years passed. When the former duke fell ill and passed away childless, Edmun was selected as his successor. None contested his appointment to the position of duke for he was one of only two men to ever successfully complete a Wyrm Hunt. To refute him was to refute Leonart, the very father of their nation.
Having been appointed duke, Edmun took the name “Wyrmking” for himself. This title, a reminder of his victory over the dragon, was happily accepted by the people. Under the rule of Wyrmking Edmun, Gransys has seen a long period of peace and Edmun, with seemingly inexhaustible youth, remains hale and healthy to this day.