Dragon’s Blogma: The Aptly Named Great Cannon

May 22, 2014 // GregaMan

Bitterblack Isle. Let’s talk about it.

As you may recall me mentioning near the end of last week’s “‘Tis Weak to Fridays” installment (viewable after the jump), we won’t be streaming this week due to the holiday. But I did want to reflect briefly on some of the highlights of our last foray. 

So first of all, the Mystic Knight “Great Cannon” Skill totally earned its name this time. I was thrilled to discover that Riposting into a Great Cannon orb causes it to go all Mount Vesuvius. The colors! I may have spent most of the stream getting butchered by Living Armors, but this was a definitely high point.

Here you can see the Great Cannon shots sneaking around the Living Armor’s back to deliver the killing blow. It’s like they  knew.

The tornado spells cast by some of the game’s more powerful magic-using enemies are both deadly and utterly humiliating. I’m already deeeead 🙁

Anyway, I’m happy to say I did eventually destroy not one, not two, but three of those Living Jerks, thanks in large part to the help of our extremely knowledgeable viewers. 

We’ll be back with the show next Friday. For now, enjoy last week’s archive!