Dragon’s Blogma: Ladies and Gentlemen. . . Mr. Capcom Unity
Jul 18, 2012 // GregaMan
With EVO and San Diego Comic Con back to back, it’s been an exasperating time, but there’s always time for a little Dragon’s Dogma. Speaking of which, I recently took a little time to create an official Capcom Unity Pawn–named “Capcom Unity”–to be used by all of us. He’s still just a fledgling, so please hire the guy and help him grow. Think of it as a metaphor for the growth and maturation of our entire community.
To hire Capcom Unity, simply enter the Rift as normal. Touch the stone, and go down to the “Special Pawns” option. There, you’ll find a list of special Pawns created by various people of note, be they members of the Dragon’s Dogma dev team, games journalists, or me–the GregaMan.
Among these Pawns is Capcom Unity. He should be easily spotted, as his is far and away the longest name. The associated Online ID/Gamertag is Unity’s usual standby–“MinishCapcom” (a delicious pun referencing the Capcom-developed The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap).
Once you’ve located him on the list, you just summon and hire as usual. Help this unassuming blonde Ranger grow in strength, in the name of Unity! Oh, and we encourage you to post your best screenshots of him in action, in the comments of this very blog post! Just use the game’s internal “Photo” feature from the Pause menu.