Download the 4 Guys 1UP Podcast Featuring Seth Killian!
Nov 16, 2009 // jgonzo
The 4 Guys 1UP podcast featuring our very own s-kill that we mentioned last week is now available for downloading.
From the show notes:
With two major releases it’s another one of those weeks where there¹s almost too much to talk about. Seth Killian from Capcom Unity joins us to talk about his transition from college professor to God of all things Street Fighter. Sam and David talk about the success and failures of Modern Warefare 2 (Spoilers from 1:17-1:29), and Jeremy puts Nintendo¹s game design for everyone thesis to the test with New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Also news about the release of Microsoft’s Natal, a new Hero game from Activision, and prepare your slingshot once again as Rockstar’s Bully might be returning.
Mr. Killian as college professor? OK, now you have to listen to the podcast!