DmC Devil May Cry now FREE for PlayStation Plus subscribers
Jan 08, 2014 // GregaMan
Next week, DmC Devil May Cry celebrates its one-year anniversary! Can you believe it’s been that long already? Our little hands-on event here at the Capcom office still feels fresh in my mind.
If you’re super-late to the party or have been reluctant to try out this new take on the Devil May Cry series, you may be glad to know that the game is now available for FREE on PS3 to PlayStation Plus subscribers!
If you haven’t tried the game already, I hope that this will be the extra nudge of encouragement you need to give it a shot. I still regard this as one of the greatest examples of Eastern and Western collaboration, and the most thrilling project I’ve ever worked on. In fact, I think I might just fire it up tonight to celebrate.