DmC: Definitive Edition Style Tournament – Round 2 Community Vote
Apr 21, 2015 // GregaMan
::UPDATE:: It seems there were two overlooked submissions that made it in under the deadline, so in the name of fairness I’ve recreated the poll, including both entries. As a special exception, this means we have eleven candidates for this round. Apologies for the confusion! Please take another moment to vote.
The submissions are in for Round 2 of our #DmCStyle Tournament, and that means it’s time to vote! Remember, the person with the most votes will receive a Japanese retail copy of Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition , autographed by key members of the development staff, when the game releases in Japan. They will also go on to compete in the Final Round, where a Limited Edition version of the game with fancy collectibles will be up for the taking.
Watch all videos and vote after the jump!
Voting Deadline: Friday, April 24th at noon (PT).
- Broclops1
- Terminator165
- SteeleSerpent
- Mariotaz
- Brett James
- GamerIzzy42
- MA16v3
- TeamMcGirk Long
- Anderson Santos
- capcomfan2010
- Dante Deve Morire
Thanks to our great contestants for their awesome submissions, and to you for voting. May the style be with you.