DmC: DE Style Tournament – Round 2 Results, Round 3 Rules
Apr 24, 2015 // GregaMan
The results are in for #DmCStyle Tournament Round 2’s community vote , and we have our next Finalist! Everybody give a big “congrats” to MA16v3, who pulled in 45% of the voting pool. MA16v3 was followed by SteeleSerpent in second and TeamMcGirk Long in third. Once again, great job to all participants. Hope to see the rest of you back for Round 3.
MA16v3 will receive a signed copy of the Japanese version of Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition , and go on to compete in our Final Round.
Please be sure to read the full tournament rules ! They still apply!
Round 3 Rules:

Character: Dante
Difficulty: Son of Sparda
Modifiers: Turbo Mode and Must Style mandatory; Hardcore Mode and Super Dante are optional!
Mission: 1 – Found
Fight: First combat section of the mission. HOWEVER, the clip must only show you fighting one enemy, and you must incorporate a slow-motion finisher. This means clearing out the other enemies first. The sixty-second limit also still applies.
Deadline: Monday, April 27th @12:00pm (noon) PT