DmC: DE Style Tournament – Round 1 Results, Round 2 Rules
Apr 17, 2015 // GregaMan
The results are in for Round 1’s community vote, and it is my privilege to announce our first Finalist!
After some 230 votes, the crown for this round goes to veteran DmC combographer Kyosuke , who bagged 32% of the voting pool. Congrats, Kyosuke! You will receive a signed copy of Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition following its release in Japan, and go on to compete in the Final Round.
SteeleSerpent trailed just behind with a 31% vote, with Mariotaz coming in third with 12%. All entrants did awesome jobs, and hope to see them return for subsequent rounds.
View all Round 1 results here . Now on with the rules for Round 2!
Please be sure to read the full tournament rules !! They still apply!
Round 2 Rules:

Character: Dante
Difficulty: Dante Must Die
Modifiers: Turbo Mode, Hardcore Mode; Super Dante is optional!
Mission: The Plan
Fight: First wave in the entrance to Mundus’ stronghold (where Kat alludes to Mundus’s “elite guard”). You do not have to defeat the entire wave, but you are certainly welcome to try. Just remember the sixty-second limit!
Deadline: Monday, April 20th @12:00pm (noon) PT
More tips:
-A short, tight video is better than a long, meandering one! Focus on stylish play, not filling time.
-Camerawork counts! Nothing more frustrating than an excellent performance obstructed by a piece of level architecture.
-Use of the manual lock-on is optional. Try using it for specific circumstances to pull off previously impossible tricks. There’s a lot to experiment with.
There it is! You have the weekend to send a clip to us at contest@capcom.com or via Twitter with #DmCStyle.