Digital Spy Surveys The Dark Void

Oct 27, 2009 // jgonzo

Gaming website Digital Spy got to preview Dark Void and interview the game’s producer, Morgan Gray. They got to talk a little bit about the characters and fiction  in Dark Void:

“For Dark Void, some of our fiction has definitive non-fiction roots, so it was even more important for us to fully investigate the realm of existing media,” say Gray. “More than that, though, we weren’t just trying to retell stories other people had already told; we put our own fiction out there, added real people and events, and suddenly, a mishmash of ideas began to take shape. A jetpack was added, and the Dark Void we know today was born. We think the end result is characters that are really easy to connect with and environments that are as functional and interesting as they are visually distinctive.”

You can check out the whole interview here .