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#DidYouKnowMH archive – helpful MH4U tips for your everyday hunting

Jun 02, 2015 // Yuri Araujo

New and veteran hunters alike will find that  MH4U  is filled with little secrets, and while I know there’s a great satisfaction in discovering these gems, I’m also reminded that “sharing is caring”. So here’s a bunch of useful everyday hunting tips  4 U :

If you follow the  Monster Hunter social channels, you know we have a running series of short clips under the tag #DidYouKnowMH , and since we’ve now submitted more than 20 of these, it felt like the right time to compile a single destination featuring all them.

And to facilitate things, I’ve put them under various categories. =)

General tips:

Wave at hot air balloon to temporarily mark the monster on the map;

Primal Forest shortcut, from Base Camp to Area 3;

Crouch to carve slightly faster;

Eat Sautéed Fish+Drink to get Felyne Explorer and start the quest at the Secret Area;

Sleep at the Base Camp’s bed to fully heal yourself and your Palicoes, including ones that have fallen in battle;

Signal the map (Start, then X) to call your Palicoes towards you;

Roll towards a wall and hit A to start climbing (also works with your weapon unsheathed);

The Arena Switch helps keep monsters separate;

Knock flying monsters out of the sky with Flash Bombs – they generally drop a Shiny item twice per quest;

Roll 3 times to clear Fireblight, or once if you roll on water;

Small monsters are generally repelled by the Torch, except for insects, which are drawn to its light;

You can end Expeditions at any time, but you won’t get all the Caravan points;

There are armor sets based on various NPCs. Here’s the Caravaneer outfit;

Delay your standing animation after hard knockdowns by not pressing any buttons. This will keep you safe from incoming attacks;

Exhausted monsters will misfire attacks, leaving large openings for attacks;

Armor skills:

FOCUS – charge your attacks (and gauges) faster than normal;

GUARD BOOST – block certain previously unblockable attacks;

MUSHROMANCE – eat all types of mushrooms, each grants a unique effect;

TREMOR RES – prevents you from being staggered by tremor attacks, opening up opportunities for a more offensive playstyle;

EVADE EXTENDER – increases or evade distance;

WIDE RANGE – heal teammates, cure their status ailments or give everyone an Attack of Defense boost, if they’re in the same zone;

SPEED SHARPENING – brings the animation down to one swipe, instead of four ;

Monster specific tricks:

MONOBLOS, DIABLOS, SELTAS get their horns stuck on walls, leaving them open;
(note: in a similar fashion, TIGREX can get its mouths stuck on walls)

TEOSTRA uses his Supernova attack 100 seconds after becoming enraged;

GYPCEROS can be carved while they’re feigning death;

DEVILJHO eats all types of meat, including Tinged, Drugged and Poisoned;

MONOBLOS, DIABLOS, CEPHADROME, and other monsters that burrow are forced back to the surface with Sonic Bombs;

ZINOGRE when charged, have Fulgurbugs on their backs. Topple a Zinogre to gather such bugs (Stygian Zinogre carries the Dragonphage Bug);

DAH’REN MOHRAN rolls over with certain attacks letting you carve its mouth;

I’ll be updating this blog whenever a new #DidYouKnowMH tip is posted online, so check back once in a while, if you’re not into that social media stuff. If you are into social networking, however, you can find these, and future tips, on Vine , Instagram , Twitter and Facebook !

In the meantime, remember to share this with your fellow hunters. Imagine what it would be like if everyone out there knew that Teostra does his Supernova attack 100 seconds after entering rage mode, or that you can find out exactly where the monster is in the map by waving at the hot air balloon. 😉