Dev Room Changes, New Heroine Look, and the Bonne Mecha Event
Nov 16, 2010 // Eguchi
Hello again! Eguchi here! (Guess what? Today is my birthday!)
As of today, the Japanese Legends Devroom is up and running and the Pan Western Devroom has been updated!
As I celebrate this my 32nd birthday (I was only 20 when we were making Legends 2) I also recognize today as being a huge milestone, and at the same time, a fresh start for the Mega Man Legends 3 project! Thank you all once again for your support!
With the launch of the improved Pan-Western Legends Devroom, many different pages have been added to the site.
Hit the jump for all Dev Room updates!!
First there is the main navigation page :
The main home page gives an overview of the latest news and event information, as well as links to all sorts of content!
Oh, before I get ahead of myself, allow me to show you the final design for our new heroine !
Until our new heroine is alive and moving in the game, our staff will continue to bring you progress updates, so stay tuned!
…By the way, have you all signed up for your servbot number yet? We’re aware of a few technical issues, but we are working to resolve them!
If you haven’t, what are you waiting for? Also, please invite your friends, relatives, exes, and co-workers to join in and participate by contributing to discussions and browsing our growing content collection, the rest of the dev team and I are looking forward to your participation!
We’ll continue to use this blog to keep you informed of development progress, so please check back here and leave comments.
Now that the Devroom has kicked off, it’s also time to kick off out second big event, the Bonne Mecha Idea Submissions Event !
The deadline to submit your proposals is November 29th. You don’t even need to be a good artist to participate, so get a move on, and send us your ideas!
After November 29th, you all will get to vote on each other’s ideas! And during the voting period, we’ll be giving away all sorts of cool prizes. So come and join in on the fun!
At the end of the voting period, the top 5 proposals from Japan and the top 5 proposals from the US will be reviewed by our dev team until only one remains!
Well, that’s all I have for now!
Come back next time when we’ll introduce you to another member of our dev team!