Dev Blog: The Final Touches on SSFIV AE Ver. 2012
Nov 30, 2011 // GregaMan
Street Fighter dev blog time! Enjoy.
Ahh, the days are really going by fast! There’s only one more month left in 2012! What are your plans for the end of the year?
Haha, that’s silly, everyone’s going to be wrapped up in SSFIV AE Ver. 2012, I just know it!
We’ve finally put the finishing touches on SSFIV AE Ver. 2012 !
This time the contents are all about the changes made for Version 2012, so we didn’t put up any changes from the past location tests, so everyone can check out the truly final changes.
What do you think about the changes made to your favorite characters? In Japan, the January issue of Arcadia, which is being released on November 30th, will also have a special section for SSFIV AE. The magazine is in Japanese, but if you have any interest, please give it a read!
So, does everyone remember? During the Japanese location test we recorded a promotional video! The video is finally finished! Thanks to everyone for helping out with the creation of this promo! If we ever have a chance to do something like this again, we’d love to have everyone give us a helping hand!
The PV will be released on 12/1, so look forward to it!
Also, this is related only to the arcade version, but just before the Version 2012 update, there’ll be a new battle class unveiled! The name of this class is “Grand Warrior”!
Once this class appears, every player’s battle class will be changed as follows!
Grand Warrior: #1 player
Warrior: 50 players below Grand warrior
Ultimate Master: Next 100 players
Grand Master: Next 200 players under Ultimate Master
You can’t take your eyes off the arcade version of SSFIV AE, you know!
Starting with everyone who has been following this blog, and to everyone around the world who gave their balance tweak suggestions, we’ve heard all of your demands. Us here at the development team have done our best to make sure that we can deliver you the best product possible. Please enjoy the free SSFIV AE Ver. 2012 balance update, coming December 13 for both PS3 and Xbox 360!
That’s it for this week! We’ll be updating with our regular schedule next time! See you later!