Demon’s Crest, Gargoyle’s Quest II coming to NA eShop on October 30
Oct 17, 2014 // Minish Capcom
As mentioned back in June , Super NES classic (and rarity!) Demon’s Crest is on its way to the North American Wii U eShop. And in true spooky fashion, it and its NES predecessor will land just before Halloween on 10/30.
At that point, all three of Firebrand’s adventures will be available to a new generation – or one looking to reconnect with this ’90s saga.
Gargoyle’s Quest (Game Boy) – This Ghosts ‘n Goblins spinoff first appeared in 1990 and was the darling of my 3rd grade class (I am old). I wrote about it back here so check that out, OR pick up the game on the 3DS eShop… it’s been there since 2011!
Gargoyle’s Quest II (NES) – Much like Kirby, Firebrand’s second journey made the leap into full color on the NES. The gameplay is similar to its action-RPG ancestor, but with even more abilities and eye-popping visuals. Love that Firebrand sprite so much I built one outta PixelBlocks!
Demon’s Crest (SNES) – Released in 1994, the third and seemingly final solo adventure took the winning formula of GQII and enhanced it with 16-bit flair. Gain new powers via transformations, battle huge bosses and discover all kinds of cool secrets in a massive, Mode 7-filled overworld. Wrote about it during my first month at Capcom.
So yeah… on 10/30 pick up GQII on either 3DS or Wii U, and by all means try out Demon’s Crest on Wii U. It’s a rare treat and one that ANY Capcom fan should own. Still got mine but you better believe I’m droppin’ real 21st century cash on this thing.