Deconstructing melodies in Remember Me

Jul 13, 2013 // GregaMan

You  already know  how much I love Olivier Deriviere’s soundtrack to  Remember Me, and you’ve already heard about our  remix contest.  But if you fancy yourself a true music aficionado, it’s worth taking a look at  this deeper, more critical analysis  by Emily Reese, a scholar of music theory and host of Minnesota Public Radio’s  Top Score,  a video game music podcast. 

Reese breaks down the many merits of Deriviere’s soundtrack song by song, providing samples and her perspective as a student of classical composition. 

Olivier Deriviere wrote a great score for the game  Remember Me, and he did it in a unique and innovative way.

The first thing Olivier did was write an orchestral score.  He took that score, mocked it up in his computer, and started taking it apart and reassembling it digitally, creating yet another score.  In this way, Olivier mimicked the essential gameplay aspect of Remember Me – the ability to take someone’s memory and reorganize it so they remember things differently than what took place.

Full article is  here .