Darkstalkers Resurrection Title Update Now Online!
Apr 18, 2013 // ComboFiend
As you all may or may not know, the Title One Update for Darkstalkers Resurrection has come out. For those that aren’t aware of what’s changed, Ayano-san breaks it down as well as talks about the release event they held for the game. Although Hsien-ko is his main character, one player there inspired him to want to learn someone new. Continue to find what has been added in the update and see which character piqued his interest.
Hello ya’ll, Tomoaki Ayano here.
The title update for Darkstalkers Resurrection is available now! I covered some of the details about this update in my previous blog, but for those who don’t know, the update includes several bug fixes as well as fight request functionality for arcade and training mode.
As with Street Fighter and SFXTK, fight request allows you to play in arcade mode against a CPU opponent until someone challenges you, just like if you were playing in an arcade! You can also go into training mode to practice combos until someone challenges you. Since the characters in Night Warriors and Darkstalkers 3 have a ton of combos, both basic and flashy, I definitely recommend that you practice up in training mode while waiting for a fight request—that way you’ll be warmed up and ready to go! It always feels good to land those hard combos in a real match.
Next I’d like to talk about the Darkstalkers Resurrection: Demon World Reborn event held on April 6th at YOUDEAL, here in Japan, to celebrate the release of the game.
One of the best players there named Oboro had an impressive Victor! The way he used crouching Heavy Punch was so perfect, it opened my eyes to how strong and fearsome a character Victor is. But what really blew me away was when he landed Victor’s Geldenheim 3 (EX throw). When I got home I started practicing Victor myself, but couldn’t match Oboro’s moves, so I went back to Hsien-Ko…
Oh, and about the poster presents I showed off during the show: I actually autographed them! I hope the winners enjoy their presents, and don’t hate me for ruining such nice posters, heh heh.
That’s all for this week, thanks for reading!