Darkstalkers iOS Wallpapers
Mar 21, 2013 // Chris
Fill your smartphone’s backgrounds with luscious Warriors of Night! Optimized for iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 5 and probably things without an Apple logo…
I’m no art expert. Hell, if I’m being honest, I’m not even very good at Darkstalkers . But I do know this: I love every character in Darkstalkers Resurrection ! Just look at ‘em! Bright, badass, and slightly horrific… I honestly believe their some of the best designed characters in all of gaming. So why wouldn’t you want to walk around with these characters on you at all times? How ‘bout as your smartphone wallpaper?!
Click this here iPad backround to see it fully embiggened!
I love constantly swapping out my iPhone background to whatever the hell I happen to be interested in, and so while I’m getting better at the recently released DSR , I figured why not whip up another batch of Capcom Wallpapers featuring our favorite Warriors of Night.
New ( iPhone 5 ) meets old school
Just as we have done previously, I dug through the Capcom archives to find you Darkstalkers beauty, past and present, and tried my best to optimize them to account for the iOS clock and lock display on iPhone 4, iPad, and for the first time, iPhone 5 ! (These wallpapers will fit other smartphone displays as well, but I don’t own all of those to please don’t bite my head off for not sizing appropriately for Galaxies, Androids, Star Trek communicators, etc.)
Felicia for iPhone 4
ALSO NOTE: If you’re seeing this page on the phone, make sure you enter into “Desktop View” in order to get the best possible image. Simply enter the gallery>click your pick>View Full-sized> Save to iDevice>Use as Wallpaper. UR WELCOME!