Darkstalkers cosplay contest results – lotso pics
Nov 05, 2012 // Minish Capcom
A coupla weeks ago we asked for your best Darkstalkers cosplay for a chance to win that fetching Lord Raptor statue you see above. We’ve passed your images around and chosen a winner, so get your Discerning Cosplay Critic glasses on and see if you agree.
Alessio revealed his top-tier Raptor fandom by dressing as his human form, and then posed with Le Malta to boot! Hats off, and your Lord Raptor’s in the mail (or will be soon)!
However, he had some strong competition. Check out these other entries, and of course, show your Darkstalkers love by picking up Darkstalkers Resurrection in 2013!
Thanks to everyone who entered, and even bigger thanks for repping Darkstalkers!