Dark Void Developer Blog: Mike Bowman on Gameplay
Dec 16, 2009 // jgonzo
Early on in the project the gameplay team started bi-weekly “Fun Factor” meetings to “analyze” the fun of the game. Everyone was asked to speak openly about anything they liked and wanted to see more of, or disliked, or absolutely hated in some cases. Some of these meetings got pretty heated but helped tremendously. This helped us focus our efforts very early on in the areas we deemed important. What was the number one issue we concentrated on, you might ask? Player control. We tried many different methods to make the player control feel just right. Some methods were implemented, tested, and completely thrown away just to go back to the drawing board. All of us believed strongly that we needed to solidify good player control early on before continuing to make the rest of the gameplay.
Read more over at the Dark Void community site !