Dante Must Style in latest DmC: Definitive Edition 60FPS gameplay
Feb 04, 2015 // GregaMan
Awwww yeah, it’s hump day, and that means not only is the weekend fast encroaching, but also that we’re due for another rad DmC: Definitive Edition gameplay video and livestream. Hit the jump for a quick, high-quality look at some fun combos as well as Definitive Edition’s newly added “Must Style” gameplay modifier. Then tune into Twitch today at 5:30pm PT for another hour of live gameplay. By popular demand, today I will show off some Vergil as well as Dante. See ya there!
In the video above, be sure to keep an eye on the enemies’ health bars (made visible via the newly added manual lock-on), as well as the style rank. With the Must Style modifier on, enemies will not take damage until you’ve achieved at least an S rank. This not only ups the overall challenge of the game, but is also great for improving your stylishness (arguably the whole point!) and really learning the ins and outs of each enemy type.
Note that Must Style is a togglable gameplay modifier, not a difficulty mode, meaning it is stackable with other features such as Turbo Mode and Hardcore Mode, all of which are usable on any difficulty mode. Stack Must Style and Hardcore Mode–which, among other things, makes it harder to style up–for a true challenge to your stylishness.
DmC: DE will be out on March 10th for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for $39.99. Can’t wait!
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