Crispy Gamer Puts Hiroyuki Kobayashi On The Hot Se
Feb 22, 2008 // Lost
 Crispy Gamer has an interview up with our Hiroyuki Kobayashi, producer of the recently released Devil May Cry 4. In it, Kobayashi discusses the cultural references in DMC4, deftly deflects shots at Devil May Cry 2 (Let’s just pretend it never existed), what inspirations went into DMC4, and the possibility of DMC4 on the Wii:
“You know, a lot of people ask us if we are going to bring out a Wii version. I simply don’t think you can make the game the type of game it is, with the awesome graphics and control — I don’t think that would work on the Wii. So, I don’t think we’re going to bring one out, no.”
Check out the whole interview on Crispy Gamer .