Complete SF HD Remix Soundtrack, FREE from OCRemix!

Dec 03, 2008 // s-kill

The virtuosos over at OCRemix.org have officially released the complete soundtrack to our smash-hit SF HD Remix (out now on Xbox Live and PSN).  You can download the songs track-by-track, or as an entire album. 

From the OCRemix crew:

“While video game companies have worked with fans in the past, HD Remix is the first major video game with a completely fan-made soundtrack.

More than twenty gamers from around the world contributed remixes of the original Street Fighter games’ music for inclusion in the updated game, in styles including jazz, hip-hop, reggaeton, spaghetti western, garage rock, big beat and electronica.”

SF HD Remix:  Built by fans, for fans.  Community for the win!  Get the soundtrack here .