Come to E3 with Capcom!
May 15, 2009 // s-kill
Are you in LA on June 4th? Wanna see some games at E3 , but don’t have a pass? No worries–Capcom Unity has you covered.
We’re inviting a crowd of Unity members to hang out at our sweet, sweet booth, which will be filled with Lost Planet 2, Dark Void, Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles, Spyborgs, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, and more (including our unannounced mystery games ).
The Unity party runs in our booth from 12-2pm on Thursday, June 4th. After Sven kicks you out at 2, you’re welcome to come along with Kramer , Shawn , and me to a special 1Up podcast, or drift off to see the rest of the poor excuses for games those other developers have on display, which are mostly monochrome checkers sims and carnival games, as I understand it.
If that sounds like fun to you, send a note to CapcomContest with “E3” in the title. Include your full legal name and a phone number.
We’ll try our best to get everybody in, but if you do not hear from us, you aren’t on the list, so don’t just show up without receiving a reply from us! All party-crashers will be fed to this guy .
PS- if you’re a Capcom Unity Card holder, be sure to let us know in your note 🙂