Collegiate Gaming Community Hopes to Pave the Way for Others
Feb 29, 2012 // GregaMan
Unity member Stirling is a college gamer on a mission. With a passion for communal gaming, he dreams of a day when college gaming communities flourish in a way comparable to college sports communities. At his own college, the University of North Carolina, he’s set up one of the most organized collegiate gaming communities around with the UNC E-Sports Club .
As the club continues to grow and foster rivalries with other nearby schools, Stirling sets out to dash the stereotype of the awkward, antisocial gamer by proving that gaming can be a social experience enjoyed by regular ol’ folk who like games.
Quoth the Stirling: “People involved with the whole E-sports movement just want video games to be seen as a normal hobby. The ‘loner nerd’ idea that lacks social skills–those aren’t the kind of people that get together and watch a tournament and yell at TVs.”
Stirling feels that collegiate E-sports is about to see a big-time boom, so the UNC E-Sports Club may be a good model to look to if you’re interested in joining the movement.
Video after the jump.