Chatting with BTHR Zero X: How to Max Out Your Capcom Achievements
Oct 13, 2008 // Snow
BTHR Zero X took the time to chat with me about all the guides and walk-throughs he puts up here on Unity. He goes in-depth from getting every achievement, to finding every last secret room. Aside from playing, he also stays up-to-date with other cool stuff like the Bionic Commando Comic. He even comes up with sweet wallpapers ! Click “more” for the whole interview!
Snow: Let’s do the interview! lol
BTHR Zero X: lol kk cool
Snow: Alright, so we’ll start off on a good note… unlike the first time you posted on the forums LOL (sorry > .<)
BTHR Zero X: yeah lol
Snow: What rank are you on the LP leader boards these days?
BTHR Zero X: I think around 10 or 11 it took along time for me to hit that top spot
Snow:[on a side note, I checked to see what rank he was after our chat. He’s not 10 or 11… He’s number2!] Yea, I remember that. I remember being killed lots too… > .<
BTHR Zero X: Man that wasnt my fault you just attracted the bullets
Snow: Tis true. *bullet magnet* Right, so LP aside, what Capcom games you been excited about lately?
BTHR Zero X: Bionic Commando and Resident Evil 5 they both look amazing. BC looks like a Spiderman game on Steroids with Guns and Robots the Swing Macanhics look out of this world. Resi 5 is going to be awesome i mean Chris is back with a rough look and a new side kick it just seem amazing how far the series has come
Snow: I’ve been watching and playing the latest Bionic Commando build… It’s TONS of fun. You’re going to love it! Sheva in RE5 has some pretty satisfying moves for killing zombies too btw =)
I should bring up the blogs you do about the achievements. You did the one for BCR , right?
BTHR Zero X: I did im still working on it to be honest. Im just trying to write a walkthrough to the Story/Bosses and ive been working on a basic guide on how to complete the Chalenge rooms and man it gives me a Headach just reading them as well as trying to do some of them
Snow: I actually went there quite a bit. You do a darned good job on putting these together! How long does it usually take you to complete one?
BTHR Zero X: From a matter of Hours to Weeks it all depends on the game really i mean i did an Achievement Guide to WOTB Commando 3 and well there isnt much to the game Except shooting and finding Secrets. but with a Game like BCR there is so much to do Story Mode, Challenges Rooms and multiplayer, along with all the secrets, weapons and enemys
Snow: Well, I think it’s safe to say we all appreciate your hard work on them. It’s awesome to have guides as thorough as yours to go to for help! So do you think you’ll be doing one for Age of Booty?
BTHR Zero X: Yeah i do ive seen the achievements and the level of play and i think it would be nice to put a hugh guide for it up. i love the idea of the game and the way each character has his/her own way of doing things. Age of Booty is in my Top 5 games to get
Snow: Nice! I know I’ll be looking forward to when you get the list and guide up! So, what’s the coolest part of Unity in your opinion?
BTHR Zero X: The User Profile Pages its nice to really get to know the people you are talking too rather then just having some one you talk to on a day to day basis and not full knowing them. It makes it a more friendly place to be once you know some one. you can really have a laugh and a joke about things. its all ways good to make friends ^_^
Snow: Awesome! What games have you been playing lately?
BTHR Zero X: Halo 3 ive been going for the new achievements i dont know why but i have a thing for achievements, BCR just improving my Arm skills i want to make an improvement to my challenge room times and Castle Crashers its fun to kill enemys with a Chicken lol
Snow: Sweet deal. Ok, so I always ask this question because I love hearing the crazy answers… What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for/about/with a Capcom game?
BTHR Zero X: Eeeerrrr.. well i got hold of the PC Lost Planet EC and well ripped and modded it so i could Use wayne online i couldnt resist but it only shows up for me. Unless i give them the File for the skin
Snow: *gasp* I didn’t hear anything about modding anything… LOL
BTHR Zero X: dont worry the mod didnt effect the game play it was just for looks
Other than that i dress up like megaman X when i was younger for the release of X7
Snow: Do you have pictures of when you dressed up like Mega Man X?
BTHR Zero X: i made sure i destoryed them lol i was a little well Large when they where taken and it didnt look right
Snow: Aw… I wanted to embarrass you a little…
BTHR Zero X: lol i figured but hay if i find one ill let you have it
Snow: kk… So speaking of Mega Man, you try MM9 yet?
BTHR Zero X: yeah ive tried the Demo and love it. Im just getting the points for it so i can download the game and all the Upgrade packs
Snow: It’s freakin’ hard for me… Fun like nothing else, but ridiculously hard! LOL
BTHR Zero X: i cant imagen i rip my hair out at megaman 1-5
Snow: haha Now I am imagining a bald BTHR Zero all because of Splash Woman!
BTHR Zero X: lol thanks. i have long hair it goes down my back
Snow: Not after MM9…
BTHR Zero X: lol most likely. i nearly did with BCR Super Hard
Snow: Don’t even get me started there… I barely made it through on the easiest difficulty. You’re on the 360 most of the time, right?
BTHR Zero X: oh yeah its on even when im a sleep
Snow: I bet you play when you sleep and don’t even know it!
BTHR Zero X: that would explane some things lol
Snow: What’s your gamertag so we can catch you in some Age of booty matches here in a couple weeks?
BTHR Zero X: BTHR Zero X, feel free to add me for games its always good to have more friends
Snow: Cool! Thanks for taking your time to chat with me too!
BTHR Zero X: No problem it was fun to talk with you. hopefully i get to play with you again online
Snow: Sounds good, see you online!
BTHR Zero X: See you online Snow