CAPtain COMmando!!!
Sep 09, 2009 // Snow
Unity member and HUGE Capcom Fan and Collector, Master Abbott , has put up a really nice story talking about an old mascot of Capcom: Captain Commando! Check out a bit of his write up here, and then read up the rest with videos and more on his blog .
“Back in the day Capcom used this guy as a mascot that appeared in the packaging and manuals of many of Capcom’s earlier console titles released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in North America from 1986 to 1989.
This guy appreared in the manuals of such games as 1942, Commando, Ghosts ‘n Goblins, Mega Man, Trojan, Section Z and Gun Smoke and were labeled as his own ‘Challenge series’ and was drawn on the back of the packaging.
As you might be aware this guy was deplicted as a ‘futuristic’ space hero with a raygun in both hands, with two large medallions around his neck with the letter ‘C’ on each.
Within the Instruction manuals there was a ‘Specal Message’ from him thanking and congratulating the owner of the game for purchasing Capcoms products.
This guy also appeared in game manuals of later titles such as Strider, Mega Man 2, Willow andDucktales but this time he was wearing a pilot suit and was standing in front of a fighter jet he also had a message to ‘look to (him) for up-to-date reports for all the exciting action games from Capcom.'”
Catch the rest of the story on Master Abbott’s blog !