Capcom VS SNK 2 Out Tomorrow on PSN

Jul 16, 2013 // ComboFiend

I’m happy to say that Capcom vs. SNK 2, a game that I hold near and dear to my heart, is finally coming to the PS3 tomorrow (July 16 th ) through the PSN store for only $10. This version isn’t a HD remake however, but a ps2 classic port (the same version I played relentlessly).

I’d like to think this game was almost solely responsible for solidifying my fundamentals and footsies in fighting games. With 48 characters, 6 different fighting grooves (each with their own abilities), and the choice of playing a one, two, or three man team to choose from, the strategy possibilities are endless. Do yourself a favor and add this to your collection.

Quick Groove Breakdown

C-Groove: Allows dashing, alpha counters, air guard, rolls, level 1,2 or 3 supers and delayed get ups. This is the ideal groove for the more defensive player with a Street Fighter background. Instant air blocking is a skill worth learning as it reduces block recovery and allows punishes that would otherwise not be possible.

A-Groove: Allows dashing, rolls, quick fall, alpha counters, level 1 supers, and custom combos. This groove is for the player who wants to be creative as custom combos require the player to come up with their own combos. Take note that customs also have invincibility on start up, so blowing through attacks is an effective way to use them.

P-Groove: Allows low jumps, delayed get up, parrying and a level 3 super. This groove is for the player who wants to challenge themselves. Parrying (tapping forward at the moment of impact) is rather difficult, but when mastered, can help one control the match easily.

S-Groove: Allows low jumps, delayed get up, side stepping, infinite level 1 supers when your life is low, running, alpha counters and charge up level three. This groove is for the person who likes to attack, yet does it with strategy. Sidestepping is a nice tool to use, but isn’t always as effective as it should be. Think King of Fighters 95.

N-Groove: Allows low jumps, counter rolls, rolls, power up, run, quick stand, level 1 and level 3 supers. This groove is for extremely offensive players. As you attack, your meter fills up and is saved as stocks. When the stock is activated, characters perform 20% more damage and are allowed to do a level 3 super, granted there is another stock available (total cost, two stocks). Think KOF 98 advanced mode.

K-Groove: Allows low jumps, level 3 supers, just defence. This meter is ideal for the offensive player who doesn’t mind getting hit. As your character takes damage, their rage meter fills up until they become enraged. During this mode, characters deal 35% more damage and receive a 12.5% defense increase as well as have access to level three supers. Just defence (tapping back on the joypad/joystick right as your opponent’s attack connects) is a skill that’s worth learning quickly as it results in a minor movement advantage, meter gain and life gain.

Now that you have all that info, jumping into the game won’t be so hard. Let me know how you like it.