Capcom Unity Suggestion Box Powers Up!
Mar 02, 2010 // s-kill
The basic idea was simple: you submit your suggestions for Capcom, and then you vote on them collectively. The most popular suggestions will rise to the top, and while we can’t promise to do everything you suggest, we will at least make sure the company brass is aware of what’s most important to Capcom fans, and hopefully get a few things actually done too.
We’re happy to report that some of the first changes we’ve been able to make as a result of your feedback are to the Suggestion Box itself! One of the most popular suggestions was to remove down-voting, and only give people the option to vote up the things they like (if you don’t like it, don’t vote for it). That avoids any chance of some trying to down-vote other people’s suggestion, and removes the temptation for abuse. We thought “gee, that’s a good idea,” so in true Suggestion Box fashion, our glorious site admin has done it, plus a few more of your good ideas.
He also implemented a fancy new Suggestion Box dashboard where you can get info on your suggestions. If your suggestion was removed because you duplicated an existing suggestion, now you’ll get a note explaining that. Wrong category? We’ll let you know. You can also see which of your suggestions have been addressed or resolved—very handy.
We’re still in beta test, but if you’re new around here, stop by and give us an earful . If you find that other people agree, your idea can rise to the top and Capcom brass will hear about it.
As always, the system only works if you use it, so by all means stop on by and give it a shot, and if you lose this post, look on the right side of the main page for a pointer-banner, or in the Ask Capcom forum thread .