Capcom-Unity Raffles: PC Games and Rare Street Fighter Swag
Jan 31, 2011 // Snow
The Capcom-Unity raffles have been updated with more free swag! What’s that? You’ve never heard of the Capcom-Unity Raffles? WELL *puts on sales guy voice* You’re in for a treat! Looking for FREE Capcom flavored swag? Look no further than Capcom-Unity Raffles! Spend your Unity points, which you earn for free by being a fan and member of the site, and win yourself some sweet goods that’ll impress your friends, inspire awe, and sometimes make you more attractive to those around you! /end sales guy.
But no seriously, we got some sweet stuff. There’s a super rare SIN pin from Street Fighter. It’s the last on I had at my desk. Maybe the last one in existence. Who knows?
We’ve also gathered a few of our PC games into a bundle. Enter to get some DMC4, RE5, Dark Void, and Lost Planet for your Mac Windows gaming needs!