Capcom Unity Official Podcast: Episode 03
Feb 25, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Episode three is live! This week we discuss the irresistible appeal of Asura’s Wrath, info about the Street Fighter anniversary tournaments and Greg gushes about the NES version of Strider. We also chat with Toshin in our community spotlight.
Download the podcast here .
Available on iTunes, or the XML is right here .
Seth mentions how Matsuyama-san, director of Asura’s Wrath, would strike Asura poses in the street. Here’s a full six-armed pose!
Cross Assault is in full swing this week – here’s team Street Fighter hard at work practicing combos
Greg donning a fan-made Okami mask.
For further discussion, or to join the group (so you can be chosen as the community interview), head to the official forum . Thanks for listening, everyone!