Capcom Unity Members Choose the Most Badass Capcom Boss Fights
Mar 26, 2010 // jgonzo
Earlier this week, we highlighted an article by 1UP called ” 25 More of the Most Badass Boss Fights of All Time” and we ended the post asking you readers to choose the most badass boss fights of all time for Capcom games. Suffice to say, that you did not disappoint! In no particular order, hit the jump to see 13 of the most badass Capcom bosses, as nominated by the community!
Zx MegaMan Zx : “Any boss fight from the Megaman Legends series. Specifically the Flutter vs. Gesellschaft fight and the fight against Bruno.”
TigerYouKen!!!! : “Ryu/Seth SFIV”
VegaMan: ” The leader (on super hard difficulty) from Bionic Commando Rearmed”
David: I have to mention the Mecha Dragon, from Megaman 2. I can still remember my reaction to it from way back then:
“Okay, a bunch of little blocks over a long pit. I can do this, I’m great at platforming. Wait, why is the screen automatically scrollinHOLY CRUD, giant robot dragon chasing me!!!”
Gyoza: Gill in Third Strike most definitely.
Garth: The Sigma boss fight in Mega Man X4 was, IMO, the most badass of all the Sigma battles. X8 being a close second.
Captain_Commando15: All three Vergil boss fights in DMC3 were badass. I am sad that any of those fights didn’t make it on [1UP’s] list.
Gunslinger: I think Orochi or the Kyubi from Okami definitely should’ve been mentioned.
FWOJC: The knife fight with Krauser in RE4.
ravenf6: Incomplete Sigma (Mega Man X6). WHen I saw him as a mess, I thought he literaly crawled out of the grave with a shredded sanity and bloodlust to match. Then when you put his corpsey form to rest, his giant skeleton form adds more of a chaotic spin on his madness. I know nothing of japanese, but I knew he was screaming “DIE!!!” as he fired those giant beams from his mouth.
If X6 was the last one in the series, this would have been a fitting way to send off Sigma- cusing insane bloody murder as he’s dragged back to limbo (assuming reploids go to the afterlife, anyway.).
Zenny Lee: Vile from Megaman X. Power Armor, friends self-destructing themselves. Predator style shoulder cannon. Intense boss fight.
Eriq Myers : One of my favorites would be In the original Monster Hunter. taking on Lao Shun Lung for the first time was pretty epic, i didnt know what to do when i got there. [note, the video above is from Freedom Unite, but it relays the same epicness]
Katana Yamato: Nobunaga fight with both Jean and Samanosuke in Onimusha 3.