Capcom Unity Game Club #3 Comes to a Close, Surprise Awaits Participants
Feb 25, 2010 // jgonzo
I hope you all had fun playing Mega Man 2, our third official Capcom Unity Game Club selection ! Aside from all the extra Unity points you all racked up for participating in the assignments, anyone that participated in the assignments via the forums was automatically entered to win a prize. The more posts you posted, the greater your chances of winning. Win what? You may be thinking…
Well, I told you all that there would be rewards for participating and this is it: a chance to win Mega Man 10 for either the 360 or PS3. We have 5 copies to give away.
So without further ado, here are the five randomly selected Capcom Unity Game Club participant winners:
Niku , Solar_Buster , Lun@tic , The Blue Badger , and ShinkuHadoukenMaster1985
Congrats folks! PM me with your console preference (360 or PS3) when the game comes out for the system of your choice! Sorry, we don’t have any Wii codes!
Finally, stay tuned for details on the next game club, which has already been selected! Feel free to guess below!