Capcom-Unity Emoticon Contest
Jul 08, 2010 // Snow
We’re going to be tossing out all our old lame emoticons with brand new Capcom themed ones here on Capcom-Unity! We want you guys to help us out by creating some of the new emoticons. They can be animated, still images, anything Capcom related you can come up with. Just remember these need to be tiny, so try not to make them too big or detailed. This will mean replacing the emotes used all over the site, from the blogs, messages, broadcasts, forums, and everywhere else they’re used on Unity. For reference, there’s some examples of things you can do below, but that’s hardly the limit.
More details on how you can help below.
These are the old emotes, so we’ll need to replace these. However, we can add in all sorts of others. The sky is the limit. Create something from any Capcom game you wish you had an emote for.
Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Dead Rising, Ace Attorney, Bionic Commando, Devil May Cry, Lost Planet, Mega Man, Okami, Resident Evil, Zack & Wiki, and Ghost Trick are just a few of the brands you can use as a start. If you can think of something to create for one of them, we want to see it.
Once you make your emoticons, you can send them in a private message to me . We’ll go through them, and pick our favorites to use on the site. Get to it!