Capcom Recap: 04/28/2017 – 05/04/2017
May 06, 2017 // Yuri Araujo
It’s time for another weekly recap of all things Capcom! Catch up on awesome new merchandise, Street Fighter V tournaments, our Twitch live streams and more.
RPG fans should take a look at IGN’s list of Top 100 RPGs of All Time , where you’ll find fan-favorites Breath of Fire III and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate!
Capcom Fighters Network Beta 2 coming to PS4 and PC on May 11 through 14.
Save big on tons of Capcom games!
The two remaining retrospectives of The Disney Afternoon Collection games, which also covers their respective sequels, are now live:
Incredible life-size Amaterasu bust now on sale.
This week we finally wrapped up our mini-series of live streams of all of the games featured in The Disney Afternoon Collection. On Tuesday’s stream we almost finished DuckTales 2, stopping just short of the final boss confrontation… which, by the way is a metallic duck called D-1000. That’s already pretty radical, but it’s even crazier when you see that one of our 90s trivia giveaway questions was about Terminator 2! Unfortunately this realization happened off-camera, but you can watch this stream (and the other recordings) here:
The Disney Afternoon Collection (DuckTales 2)
The Disney Aftetrnoon Collection (Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers 2)
All times listed are Pacific Time:
- Tuesday , May 9th @ 3PM – Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen
- Wednesday , May 10th @ 1PM – Dead Rising
- Thursday , May 11th @ 3PM – Game TBD
Remember to mark your calendars, but if you’re the forgetful type (like me), you can always hit the “Follow” button on our Twitch channel to get those sweet email notifications when we go live. 😉
Kellen Haney : Heya everyone, Kellen here with an update on everyone’s favorite blue robot, Mega Man! Earlier this week, Super 7, a store based out of San Francisco, announced that they’ll be releasing a new line of M.U.S.C.L.E. (Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere) figures based on – you guessed it – Mega Man!
Now, the initial waves of these figures hit store shelves in the U.S. a little before my time, but you might recognize then name from the spin-off series, Ultimate Muscle, or the NES game, fittingly titled M.U.S.C.L.E. If you want to see what to expect when the Mega Man line goes on sale, check out Super 7’s online store , where they also have Street Fighter M.U.S.C.L.E. figures for sale!
Oh, and for those really curious? Look up “Kinnikuman,” the Japanese manga that these figures were originally based on. Mega Man seems like he’d make a pretty decent wrestler, huh?
Stephanie Palermo: This week, our friends at Sony Pictures revealed the release date of the new CG movie Resident Evil: Vendetta. It will be available digitally on June 20 and disc on July 18. Details on the bundle of bonus materials included in each version can be found on GameSpot here .
The movie is set in New York City where merchant of death Glenn Arias is spreading a deadly new virus to avenge his wife’s death. Resident Evil series stars Chris Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy, and Rebecca Chambers join forces on a “mission to bring his ass down” – Leon S. Kennedy, 2017 . I can promise motorcycles, a revenge plot, and a giant, hulking B.O.W. groaning Chris Redfield’s name – this is going to be a fun one, guys.
There’s also going to be a limited one-day only theater showing on June 19, so check this link to see if you can get tickets to a show near you!
Harrison Young : Last weekend was host to DreamHack Austin 2017 and sported a huge amount of talent from all over the world featuring Haitani, Xian, Phenom, Justin Wong, Snake Eyez and more. Even with this huge pool of talent, Punk still managed to come out on top making this his third event in a row! If you missed the event make sure to check out the Top 5 Moments on the Capcom Fighters YouTube Channel:
Patrick Kulikowski : Well doesn’t this just beat all? On Sunday, April 30th, we saw a bunch of Breath of Fire fans hop onto Twitch ( Alowne_ , BOWIEtheHERO , GinTatsu2 , Kanjo , NeoSlash72 ) and Twitter to take part in the weekly fan campaign known as #BoFSundays . Funny coincidence: it also happened to be Breath of Fire III’s 19th anniversary that day!
It was a stream-heavy Sunday, with RyuQuezacotl finishing his speedrun of Breath of Fire (SNES) in just 5 hours and 24 minutes! You gotta check out this particularly dramatic moment from the run.
eLmaGus tried his hand at claiming the legendary Goo King Sword in Breath of Fire III, and while that sadly didn’t pan out (1 in 256 drop rate, OUCH!), we applaud his effort.
For my contribution this weekend, I madetwo unofficial 1080p desktop wallpapers to celebrate the 19th anniversary of Breath of Fire III. You can “Pilfer” them here and here!
I hope to see more creative awesomeness come out of this hashtag next Sunday!
STICKY NOTE: Did you make something cool? Send us a note or drop a comment below; we would love to feature your work here! Same goes for any awesome stuff you may see in the wild; we always welcome more fantastic fan work. =)
That’s about it for this week. As always, keep your eyes glued to the main blog reel for more up-to-minute news on our games and things you can collect.