Capcom Recap: 04/14/2017 – 04/20/2017
Apr 21, 2017 // Yuri Araujo
This week we took a look back at beloved Capcom developed Disney games, revealed new Street Fighter V costumes and celebrated the love for drawing Mega Man characters.
Results from the Capcom Fighters Network beta test 2 are up
Thailand stage remastered and “School” costumes come to Street Fighter V on April 25th
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers gets a new trailer
The Disney Afternoon Collection, bringing back some real 90s gems, is finally out on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Funny story: when I first started working on this project, the 90s aesthetic felt like a fun novelty to me… but then I started noticing lots and lots more references to that time period along with other project announcements (TV shows, movies, etc.), so… are the 90s finally 100… % back?
And for a quick history lesson on the protagonists in The Disney Afternoon Collection games, we worked closely with our friends at Laser Time to put together these awesome character retrospectives. You can watch the TaleSpin and Darkwing Duck ones below, but stay tuned for two more of these coming your way soon!
We’re back at live streaming rad Capcom games! Last week’s test stream was a great success—very nice!—and since then we’ve already live streamed fresh out the oven The Disney Afternoon Collection and gave away rad backpacks (pictured below).
We’ll be streaming again today at 3PM (Pacific) so make sure to tune in for a chance at winning one of backpacks (Tim Turi not included), but a guarantee at having lots of fun with us and some co-op Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers: Twitch.tv/CapcomUnity
UPDATE: We streamed; we had fun; we gave away rad backpacks. Catch the archive right here:
All times listed are Pacific Time:
Tuesday , April 25th @ 3PM – The Disney Afternoon Collection (TaleSpin) + rad 90s style backpack giveaways
Wednesday , April 26th @ 1PM – Dead Rising 4 (Frank Rising)
Thursday , April 27th @ 3PM – The Disney Afternoon Collection (Darkwing Duck) + rad 90s style backpack giveaways
In addition to all the Street Fighter updates listed above, I just wanted to shine an extra spotlight on the work-themed costumes coming to SFV . You should check out the full blog post for more shots and concept art of each of the costumes. For this theme, Alex, R. Mika and Chun-Li get new premium costumes, and my best guess is they didn’t include Urien because… well, he’s already wearing work clothes. Anyways, here’s a taste of Alex’s costume.
Stephanie Palermo : Hello again! Stephanie here following up on a promise to showcase a few of my favorite submissions from last week’s fan-hosted Draw Mega Man Day event. There were hundreds to enjoy so thank you to everyone for joining in the fun whether you shared your own art or simply absorbed the skills of others for your own power and pleasure.
by @DarkDarrenA
by @Jackapedia_
Oops, there may be a spicy, slicey theme going on here… Underneath those deep cuts, Cut Man’s really just a sweetheartbot. â¤
Enjoy Cut Man and more, like this great Tron Bonne , a musical melody from Splash Woman , and this Mega Man family portrait with Rush, because of course dogbot = family. All these and more if you Search Snake your way through the hashtag #DMMD2017 on Twitter.
STICKY NOTE: Did you make something cool? Send us a note or drop a comment below; we would love to feature your work here! Same goes for any awesome stuff you may see in the wild; we always welcome more fantastic fan work. =)
As always, keep your eyes glues to the blog reel and our official social media channels for more to the minute updates. Otherwise, I’ll see you later today on the stream!