Capcom Pro Tour Transitioning to PS4 for All Western Events
Jul 23, 2015 // ComboFiend
Wow! What an Evo, over 2,200 entrants came to Las Vegas this year to show what they’re made of. After an intense first day, we ended with an extremely diverse top 8 (a Juri made it!) and watched one of the most amazing Street Fighter performances by Gamerbee as he made his climb through losers all the way to the grand finals.
EDIT: A change for BGS has been added to the blog.
If there was one thing we pulled from this tournament, it’s that there’s plenty of life left in USFIV and we don’t see that changing anytime soon. That said, we’d like to let all of those within the competitive community know what our future plans are for the Capcom Pro Tour and which console the tour will continue on.
SCEA and Capcom have been hard at work at optimizing Ultra Street Fighter IV on PS4, and after the feedback we have received from fans and professional players, are happy to confirm that all issues that could affect competitive play have been resolved, while the input delay is now on par with the Xbox 360 version. Thanks to the feedback that we have received, both Capcom and SCEA agree that this is truly the definitive version of Ultra Street Fighter IV and as such is worthy of being the new tournament standard. Needless to say, we will be migrating all future western Capcom Pro Tour events over to the PS4 as the PS4 is going to be the home of competitive play for Street Fighter moving forward.
The availability of USFIV on PS4 in Asian territories will be coming soon. Until then, Asian Capcom Pro Tour events will continue to run on PS3. Once all versions of USFIV PS4 are released globally, it will be exciting to have all players on the same global standard. BGS however, will remain on PS3.
Now that we are half way through the Capcom Pro Tour, we now have eight qualified players and the competition is only getting more intense. If you haven’t transitioned over to the PS4 version of USFIV yet, now is the perfect time to do so and practice up before our next ranking event; VS Fighting on August 8th!