Capcom in IGN’s Top 10 XBLA Games
May 12, 2009 // s-kill
IGN has put up a Top 10 list of Xbox LIVE Arcade titles, and Capcom is representing with SF HD Remix and Bionic Commando Rearmed (the digital little brother of the upcoming Bionic Commando).
Of course there are a bunch of other questionable games on the list :)–you know the kind that sound fun, but you never want to actually play again after a couple of hours–but BCR is chock full with the old replay value, and you can play a great Street Fighter game for… like… ever.
No worries for 2009 either–Capcom is still busy in the digital space with Flock!, Age of Booty map packs, and of course Marvel Vs Capcom 2.