Capcom heads to PAX Prime 2014
Aug 28, 2014 // GregaMan
Capcom is off to PAX Prime , the annual gaming event that puts the
If you happen to be attending the event, be sure to stop by the Capcom booth (#3217), where you can revel in the following delights:
Game Demos
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS) – Come try out the latest build and the series’ two awesome new weapons, the Charge Blade and the Insect Glaive! Anyone who plays will get one of the snazzy MH pins detailed in Yuri’s blog .
Ultra Street Fighter 4 (PS3/Xbox 360) – Go for broke!
Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition (PC) – Get one final sneak peak at the gorgeously-running PC version of this zombie-slaying sandbox romp before it releases next Friday!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (3DS) – Three classic games in one mystery-filled demo. This one’s not due out until this winter, so this is a nice opportunity to check out the beautifully redrawn visuals and touched-up localization well in advance.
Capcom Pro Tour Official Tournament
As detailed in ComboFiend’s previous blog , PAX Prime will be Capcom Pro Tour’s next tournament venue! The tournament will take place over the entire three-day course of the event, and the top 16 finals will be streamed from the Capcom Fighters channel on Twitch for those who can’t make the event (or who just want to relax in their hotel rooms).
Capcom Store
Yep, just like San Diego Comic Con, our PAX booth will have a store! Drop by and pick yourself up an Umbrella umbrella, some art books, some more of those snazzy Monster Hunter pins, or a Street Fighter Shadaloo Watch for the high rollers out there.
You’ll also be able to pre-order the incredibly popular Mega Man Helmets as well as the big-ticket Resident Evil watch .
For those who can’t make it to PAX this year, the online Capcom Store has some significant discounts on some very cool stuff. Street Fighter IV/Super Street Fighter IV Official Complete Works for ten bucks?? Sign me up!