Capcom Fighters Network Beta 2 Coming to PS4 and PC, May 11 – 14
May 01, 2017 // Harrison Young
We’re continuing to optimize the new and improved Capcom Fighters Network – but we want to ensure things are just right before unleashing it onto the world. To that end, we’re planning to run an additional online Beta Test this month, with the intent of making the official launch of the new CFN as smooth as possible. Both PC and PS4 players will be able to participate in the Beta for FREE from 5/11 to 5/14 PDT – including PC/PS4 cross-play! Even if you don’t have a copy of Street Fighter V you’ll be able to hop in and experience the latest CFN, plus the hefty Season 2 balance changes ( more on those here ).
If that wasn’t enough to get you excited the next DLC character for Season 2 will be available for all beta players during the May 11-14 window. Once the beta ends, however, both this mystery character and any online data (Fight Money, progress, replays etc.) will be gone. For a list of the improvements hit the jump.
Here’s a list of improvements to expect once the CFN Beta goes live:
Rage Quit Penalty System
Back in December, we implemented an update to the Rage Quit System which displayed a special Player Profile Icon for the worst offenders and the most honorable players. These icons are working correctly now and matchmaking logic now takes into account your online behavior and frequent disconnectors will be matched with similar opponents.
Ranked and Casual Match Loading Times
We understand many players were not happy with the load times when entering online matches. There will now be a shorter transition when going into a Ranked or Casual Match.
Battle Lounge Country Flags
Country flags should now properly load in Battle Lounges, allowing players to locate competition in their region.
Matchmaking Improvements
It should now take less time to find an opponent in online matches. We’ve also added logic which avoids frequently being matched with the same opponent repeatedly.
Fighter Profile Stats
More detailed stats will be tracked and presented on your Fighter Profile.
Country / League Based Rankings
Players will now be able to filter leaderboards based on Country or League.
Friend Management System
In addition to adding a player to your Favorites, you can now add Friends and follow them on CFN. You can now also Blacklist players.
Interactive Timeline
On the CFN home menu, a live feed of your Friends’ activities is presented on an interactive Timeline. Using the Timeline, you can immediately add a recent match to your Replay List, view a Fighter Profile, manage your Friends, and adjust Timeline display settings.
In-Game Announcer Voice
The in-game announcer will give you stats on both you and your opponent using data pulled from the server.
The new CFN server updates mark a new beginning for playing SFV online and we encourage our players to participate in this free PS4 and PC Beta Test. For the latest updates on Street Fighter V, follow us on Facebook and Twitter .