Capcom Cup UK Qualifier!
Sep 23, 2013 // dawgtanian
Hey everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend after watching some amazing high level play from TGS! Haitani from Japan is the next player to qualify for the Capcom Cup!
Those eagerly watching and wanting their chance to compete, pay close attention as the UK Qualifier tournament is only a few weeks away!
We’ll be running a SSFIV:AE (Xbox 360) Capcom Cup qualifying tournament from this years Play Expo event in Manchester on the 12th October! Here’s what you need to do if you want to enter!
1) Purchase your Play Expo ticket here: www.playexpo.net/tickets/
2) Arrive early to avoid missing registration which opens at 11am and closes at 12:30pm (£5.00 tournament entry fee)
3) Don’t forget to bring your pad or stick (wired only!)
The cash entry of £5 per person will be divided up 70/20/10 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, with additional prizes handed out on the day!
Streamed live on Capcom Fighters Twitch channel by Mr James Bardolph of Armshouse TV, and your Tournament Organiser for the day will be Mr Logan Sama, you won’t want to miss this event!