Capcom Cup Asia Finals Info

Nov 08, 2013 // ComboFiend

Start Times (Using SG Time and PST time)

Friday 7pm (GMT+8) 3am (PST)

Saturday 1pm (GMT+8) 9pm (friday) (PST)

Sunday 10am (GMT+8) 6pm (Saturday) (PST)

Tournament Format

  • The Asia Finals will be held in a round-robin format.
  • The matches will be played in a first-to-seven format, with deuce rules. The first player to win 2 99-seconds round wins a game and earns a point. First player to gain 7 points wins the match. However if both players reach match point (6 wins), one player must take a 2-point advantage to claim the match.
  • Players will be granted points based on how much they won a match by. For example, if a player wins 7-0, he gets 7 points. If a player loses 4-7, they get -3 points.
  • If two players have won the same amount of sets, their placing will be decided by the amount of points they earned with the matches in said sets. If they also have the same amount of points, the placement between the two will be decided by who won between these two specific players.

There will also be a few awesome people in attendance that will be on hand to congratulate those who have made it through the gauntlet and also provide commentary during this exciting event. Maybe you’ll recognize them.

Yoshinori Ono


Tan Min Liang 

Min-Liang Tan is the co-founder, CEO and Creative Director of gaming hardware company Razer USA. He directs and oversees the design and development of all Razer products. Tan Min Liang was born in Singapore and resides in San Francisco.

DM MCZ Ho Kun Xian (Commentary)

EG Momochi

Previous accomplishments: 1st in UK Capcom Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Qualifier, 2nd – CEO2013

Known globally for his amazing spacing and attack punishment EG Momochi is truly one of the players to watch for during this event. As he plays a wide range of characters, his opponents will be kept on their toes



Previous accomplishments: Evo2012 SSFIV Champion, Capcom SF 25th Anniversary Champion

The most dominant player during 2012, Infiltration is always a favorite to win any event. Lately players have been studying up on his legendary Akuma, making it harder for him to win, but he’s always up for the challenge.

AVM Gamerbee


Previous Accomplishments: 2nd Evo2012 SSFIV, 1st Shadowloo showdown 2010

Always a constant threat with his signature Adon, you can always find Gamerbee buzzing around the top spots of any event he attends. Akuma is easily his kryptonite, so it’ll be interesting to see if he finally has a solution that character.

RZR Fuudo


Previous Accomplishments: EVO 2011 Champion, 2011 Godsgarden Champion

Revered as having some of if not the best reaction time of any player out right now, Fuudo is not one who you want to test. Many high-level players have met their doom by throwing out ill timed attacks while cracking under his relentless pressure as well. I can’t wait to see if he’ll be able to dominate the players this time around much like he dominated so many others in the past.


DM MCZ Gackt Eng


Previous Accomplishments: 1st in Singapore Capcom SF 25th Anniversary Qualifier Champion

Gackt is a true student of Street Fighter and of competition. Known for quickly developing counters to tactics that have defeated him previously, opponents quickly realize they must surprise Gackt to stand a chance. As these are longer sets, Gackt has more time to adapt, which may in turn work out in his favor.


Qanba Dakou


Previous Accomplishments: 9th Evo2013 SSFIV, 5th Canada Cup 2013

Dakou aka “Big Mouth” is China’s 2 nd best player after Xiaohai. His knowledge of every character makes life hard for his opponents as there is nothing he probably hasn’t seen before. Although he knows every character, the person behind the character is a different story. Will he be able to contain his opponents options or will the thought process of those he’s playing be too much to handle?

As usual, you can watch the tournament unfold on the  Capcom Fighters  channel.